October 13, 2018
SUBJECT: A new code violation complaint has been filed against Hi Point Apts LLC
TO: walter.barratt@gmail.com; ali4servicing@gmail.com; jadebeck@gmail.com; tenantrelationsatyourapt@gmail.com; mayor.garcetti@lacity.org; councilmember.wesson@lacity.org;
DATE: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 8:15 PM
Dear Walter Barratt, Jade Beck, [Cliff Renfrew] et al:
You are named in city code violation complaint 693721 dated 10/9/2018.
[tenant 9 name and phone number redacted]
July 15, 2018
Subject: The Intercom and the Parking Stall
From: (tenant 9 name and email redacted)
To: walter.barratt@gmail.com; tenantrelationsatyourapt@gmail.com; amozannar@gmail.com; ali4servicing@gmail.com; 1ccanary@gmail.com;
cc: councilmember.wesson@lacity.org; councilmember.buscaino@lacity.org; councilmember.huizar@lacity.org; councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org; councilmember.englander@lacity.org; councilmember.bonin@lacity.org; councilmember.price@lacity.org; councilmember.harris-dawson@lacity.org; councilmember.rodriguez@lacity.org; councilmember.martinez@lacity.org; paul.koretz@lacity.org; david.ryu@lacity.org; councilmember.blumenfield@lacity.org; councilmember.Krekorian@lacity.org; councilmember.cedillo@lacity.org; controller.galperin@lacity.org; mayor.garcetti@lacity.org; thefirstjew@yahoo.com; karen.baggio@lacity.org; robert.galardi@lacity.org; angelo.shannon@lacity.org; steve.ongele@lacity.org; richard.horn@lacity.org; crystal.otero@lacity.org; corey.hupp@lacity.org; paula.hudak@lacity.org; emily.hu@lacity.org; terry.herr@lacity.org; michael.hughes@lacity.org; jonathan.hom@lacity.org; maria.a.hernandez@lacity.org; scott.matsunaga@lacity.org; info@smchamber.com; robert.hughes@lacity.org; diana@aagla.org; info@da.lacounty.gov;
Date: Sunday, July 15, 2018 6:32 PM
“….you have cut off my free communication to vendors, guests, and friends and you have restricted tradesman from making necessary repairs…”
Walter Barratt
Hi Point Apts LLC 14 Ozone Avenue Venice CA 90291
Hi Point Apts LLC
To Walter Barratt/Hi Point Apts LLC, Cynthia Ogan resident manager, Jade Beck (Keller Williams), Mozannar Construction at emails provided above, et al:
- The door entry intercom system has failed at this location.
- Please assign us a tandem parking stall today, without any additional rent charges.
- The parking lot needs to be striped.
- Please extend the striping to stall #8, to make a tandem stall as you previously did for White tenants at stall #13.
- Please provide a list of all parking assignments.
- New tenants are entitled to a monthly rent reduction due to the nonworking intercom system.
- Your actions of not repairing the failed intercom violate section LAMC 41.33 in that you have cut off my free communication to vendors, guests, and friends and you have restricted tradesman from making necessary repairs.
- Please repair the intercom system without further delay and provide rent reimbursements for the reduction of housing services intercom and parking.
- At all times the city government has the authority to make the necessary repairs (including in a slumlord building) and bill the owner for the cost of the repairs.
- The city has previously ruled this building substandard housing because of lack of uniform compliance. This building is still not in uniform compliance.
If your Mother lived here, Walter, would you want her to have a working intercom?
All rights reserved. (tenant name redacted) 1522 Hi Point St 9
Los Angeles CA 90035 3233194280
cc: FTC, Kenneth Lam, Los Angeles office District Attorney
LAMC 41.33 “Peaceful Enjoyment”. LANDLORDS – DISTURBING TENANTS. “No person, except a duly authorized officer pursuant to the authority of legal process, shall interfere with the peaceful enjoyment, use, possession or occupancy of any premises by the lawful lessee or tenant of such premises either by threat, fraud, intimidation, coercion, duress, or by the maintenance or toleration of a public nuisance, or by cutting off heat, light, water, fuel or free communication by anyone by mail, telephone or otherwise, or by restricting trade or tradesmen from or to any such tenant.”
“An employee‐manager is a resident manager who is required to live on the premises as a condition of employment. The employee‐manager receives compensation in the form of a free rental unit PLUS income.” LAMC RAC guidelines section 920.
Update April 5 2017
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Day 1086. Where’s Walter?
Maintenance Ali Mozannar was spotted on the property today at about 3:30 p.m. In fact he exchanged greetings with the Blackman tenant. But Mozannar was here to see the resident manager, a White tenant. So another day passes and the Intercom is still unusable for the Black man, even though he continues to pay rent. Mozannar’s company should face fines for participating in the conspiracy to deny Black tenants due process rights at this property. Mozannar is a Klan, thru and thru, or what would you call a white who denies housing services to a Blackman? Remember it was Mozannar who signed a three day notice to evict with the owner to try to evict Blackman after he again complained of the non-working intercom. Here is some more of Mozannar’s clan: Cynthia Ogan, Mayor Eric Garcetti, Gilbert Cedillo, Paul Krekorian, Bob Blumenfield, David E. Ryu, Paul Koretz, Nury Martinez, Felipe Fuentes, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Curren D. Price, Jr., Herb J. Wesson, Jr., Mike Bonin, Mitchell Englander, Mitch O’Farrell, Jose Huizar, Joe Buscaino, Javier Nunez Raymond D. Chan, Frank Bush Jeffery J. Daar, Tai Glenn, Jose Oliva, Carole Brogdon Leonora Gershman PittsPaula Leftwich Jane Paul, Armida Olguin-Flores, Investigator, Araceli Sophia Gonzalez, Supervisor; Javier Nunez, Raymond D. Chan, Frank Bush, Jeffery J. Daar, Tai Glenn, Carole Brogdon, Leonora Gershman , Pitts Paula Leftwich Jane, hcidla.gmhearings@lacity.org (hcidla.gmhearings@lacity.org), RSO Contact (hcidla.rso.central@lacity.org); Fair Housing Doj (fairhousing@usdoj.gov); councilmember.wesson@lacity.org (councilmember.wesson@lacity.org); Hi LLC (walter.barratt@gmail.com); Cliff Renfrew (cliffrenfrew@gmail.com); David Greene (david.greene@lacity.org); Charles Garcia (charles.v.garcia@lacity.org); Lincoln Lee (lincoln.lee@lacity.org); raymond.chan@lacity.org (raymond.chan@lacity.org); Rodney Arias (rodney.arias@lacity.org); David Casian (david.casian@lacity.org); Steve Ongele (steve.ongele@lacity.org); giovani.dacumos@lacity.org (giovani.dacumos@lacity.org); Ifa Kashefi (ifa.kashefi@lacity.org); deron.williams@lacity.org (deron.williams@lacity.org); Jeff Paxton (jeff.paxton@lacity.org); Debbie L. Harmon, (debbie.l.harmon@hud.gov); complaints_office_02@hud.gov ,(complaints_office_02@hud.gov); contact.center@dfeh.ca.gov ,(contact.center@dfeh.ca.gov) . Armida Flores, Richard Janson, Walter Barratt, Lauren Lastrapes for Congressperson Karen Bass, Barbara Brascia, Richard Brinson, Richard Carlos, Cliff Renfrew, C. Palaez, Udo Nwachuko, Ali Mozannar, Michael at LADBS, Joe at LADBS, Edward at LADBS, David at LADBS, Charles garcia, Lateesha at LAHCID, R. Jackson, David James, D. Burkhead, Alan Chen at Los Angeles County Public Health, Mike Feuer city attorney.
[Editor: In America, are Blacks asleep at the wheel? Remember: “The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, also known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study or Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (/tʌsˈkiːɡiː/ tus-kee-ghee)[1]was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service. The purpose of this study was to observe the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African-American men in Alabama under the guise of receiving free health care from the United States government…After funding for treatment was lost, the study was continued without informing the men they would never be treated. None of the men infected were ever told they had the disease, and none were treated with penicillin even after the antibiotic became proven for the treatment of syphilis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_syphilis_experiment
Is Hi Point Apts Mayor Garcetti’s Tuskegee experiment on Blacks?
Update March 13, 2017
Day 1063. Where’s Walter?
Maintenance was on the property today resurfacing a lead based paint bathroom sink unit 9. The sink had been reported prior to November 2016. No effort was made to repair or replace the non-working intercom in unit 9. This is a rent control building under Mayor Eric Garcetti.
Update February 13 2017
This building 1522 Hi Point St Apartments was purchased by Hi Point Apts, LLC and Abady Holdings Corporation in 2014, manager Walter Barratt. Even though the tenant in apt 9, a Black Jew Kushite DNA male, has complained about the intercom needing repair, since 2014, the owner, a White, has refused to repair or replace the intercom, without a reasonable and good faith explanation. That is 1030 days today that the intercom remains unrepaired while select tenants, Caucasian primarily, have a working intercom. We use this page to track every time the owner is spotted on the property and he refuses to fix Black man’s intercom. We count maintenance/contractors but we do not count the resident manager who is here everyday.
Since they have been renovating apt 15 since about January 15 giving it new appliances including an intercom presumably, we start this as 30 days for workers on the property.
Day 1030 where’s Walter?
Today the owner and a few other employees were spotted on the property about 9:35 a.m., 11:35 am and 5:30 p.m.
[Editor note: “Walter” is Walter Barratt who is listed by the Secretary of State of California as the manager and agent for service for Hi Point Apts LLC doing business as 1522 Hi Point Apartments [90035].