Just imagine you are standing in the other person’s shoes.
You are Black. The person standing next to you hates you. The person hates you not just because you are Black, but also because they believe you are not a person, and because they believe you are subhuman.
The person next to you has “full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges or services in all business establishments” as they are a tenant who has intercom and three parking stalls.
But you are Black, and since you are not viewed as a person, and you are viewed as subhuman, you are not entitled to “Full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges or services in all business establishments” as those provided to the White person standing next to you.
The White person living next to you has had an intercom for over a year, but you are still begging for yours to be repaired going on three years; the White person has three parking spaces for over a year, but you are still begging for a two car stall for almost three years. The White person gets immediate housing services; the Black person’s request for housing services is ignored. Whites talk freely to Whites; Whites cannot talk to the Black.
You are Black. The person working, standing, living next to you is White.
The White person is a human being. You, a Black, are considered a subhuman.
How long? Not long. *
*”How Long, Not Long” is the popular name given to the public speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. on the steps of the State Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, after the successful completion of the Selma to Montgomery March on March 25, 1965. The speech is also sometimes referred to as “Our God Is Marching On!” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_Long,_Not_Long
The Martin Luther King Jr. Speech can also be viewed on Youtube by clicking here
Updated December 24 2016
“Certainly tenants who are white at the property, and the non-Blacks, have the use and benefit of intercom and parking stall, and certainly those tenants reasonably and justifiably place significant and substantial importance on such housing services since they signed the lease and pay over $1700 per month for such housing services. I can hear the voices of those now long dead Blacks in Alabama, ‘Oh, Mister Charlie, I just want me an Intercom boss, and some maintenance, and maybe a parking spot for my car, I am on my knees begging you boss.’ And the white plantation owner smiles down on the Darky and whips him for daring to ask a question. Well what year was that? 2015? The plantation owner continues, ‘And don’t even think of going to court, Boy, cause we gonna lynch you before you get there!’
Taken from “How does a Ham-Jew-DNA-Kushite Black American qualify for intercom?” Click here to see page
What Garcetti Said
“Every tenant in Los Angeles should understand their rights, especially in a tight housing market, and landlords should know their responsibilities,” said Mayor Garcetti. “The RSO is the most powerful tool we have to keep families and neighborhoods together, and this ordinance will help protect vulnerable populations — like senior citizens and immigrants — from displacement. As we work to build new affordable housing, we also must make sure that residents know about protections that are already in place.” December 15 2016 [emphasis added] From internet article “Mayor Garcetti Signs Tenant Buyout Ordinance | Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti”