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Communications los angeles housing discrimination and corruption

March 30, 2018

To see additional discussions about what is fair housing and to see copies of posted Videos

click   Youtube channel “Davey GJuanvalldez”

NEWSPAPER ARTICLE DETAILS CITY LOS ANGELES SUED OVER HOUSING DISCRIMINATION “Will this Court order all Ham-Jew-DNA-Kushite/Blacks across America to be lynched because this Court feels Ham-Jew-DNA-Kushite/Blacks are not entitled to protection under the United States Constitution and all laws?”  Court document 120, filed 10-11-17, page ID 2747-2748.

See the online issue of Random Lengths news [of San Pedro],

Feb . 22 issue and page 17.


My question to Mayor Eric Garcetti, Raymond Cervantes, Agassi Topchian and Ian Yeom, et al, is in these times of racial strife across this country of the United States, should any Black American be denied a housing service? If your answer is “yes”, which I believe your actions show, then you have admitted to a violation of civil rights using federal monies; if your answer is “no, then your letter of July 28 must be reversed as a violation of civil rights.” August 1, 2015 via email and letter. 

…in these times of racial strife across this country of the United States, should any Black American be denied a housing service?”

“It is recognized that the practice of …. discriminating …foments domestic strife and unrest, deprives the state of the fullest utilization of its capacities for development and advancement, and substantially and adversely affects the interests of … the public in general. Govt Code 12920

Govt Code 12955.7. “It shall be unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any person in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of that person having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of that person having aided or encouraged any other person in the exercise or enjoyment of, any right granted or protected by Section 12955 or 12955.1.”

The Los Angeles Mayor & Council :

Mayor Eric Garcetti; Council Gilbert Cedillo, Paul Krekorian, Bob Blumenfield, David E. Ryu, Paul Koretz, Nury Martinez, Felipe Fuentes, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Curren D. Price, Jr., Herb J. Wesson, Jr., Mike Bonin, Mitchell Englander,  Mitch O’Farrell, Jose Huizar, Joe Buscaino.

The Los Angeles Rent Adjustment Commission(RAC) :

  • Tai Glenn, Vice Chairperson
  • Carole Brogdon, Commissioner
  • Leonora Gershman Pitts, Commissioner
  • Paula Leftwich, Commissioner
  • Jane Paul, Commissioner
  • Dash Stolarz, Commissioner

Related Sites:

related site on los angeles housing


“When a tenant makes a complaint that there has been a reduction in housing services in violation of housing codes related to habitability of a dwelling under California Health & Safety Code 17920.3 or 17920.10, the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investments Department will determine a corresponding reduction in rent under the Rent Escrow Account Program regulations (RAC Regulations 1200.00 et . seq).” City Los Angeles LAMC claimed by Mayor Eric Garcetti and Director Rushmore Cervantes.

Racism at Hi Point Apts

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